Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fall Out Boy - I am full of disappoint...

I had my SiriusXM disconnected last month because we weren't too fond of paying $40 every three months for essentially glorified radio. As I was driving to Boaz I decided to play some old cd's, enter Fall Out Boy: Take This To Your Grave (2003). Listening to it made me realize how much I have missed listening to FOB and I embedded into my mind to find some of their newer songs for my phone. Bad idea. Fall Out Boy... WHAT THE CRAP?
Patrick Stumph (<-- THAT'S THE NAME I WAS USED TO!) has gone "solo" and he sounds like the rest of the auto-tuned fags out there. WHY?! He changed his name to Patrick Stump, his new cd is SoulPunk, and he looks like a queer. Honest. I will show you. Went from this:


It hurts my heart to see such a great sounding (and not too hard on the eyes) musician go from awesome to gay in less than 10 years. And his new music is crap. There. I said it.

Friday, September 2, 2011

I just want to be lazy...

You know... I just sat down and tried to think of the last time I was lazy. Not just lazy, lazy, but GLORIOUSLY LAZY. It hasn't happened in months! Yeah, I go to sleep early (think 8:30) twice a week, but then I wake up at 5:00 in the morning to go to the gym and kick my own ass. Besides working out, I have work and school. If I'm not at work, I'm home doing homework for one of my five classes. If I don't have homework then I am going to a class at the gym or taking a walk/run with Mylie to keep her from getting cabin fever from being inside the house all the time. I want to be so lazy that the next day my body will want me to run miles because it is so rejuvenated. But will this happen?
Probably not. Not til I am receiving a nice retirement check and have a pimped out walker while screaming at kids to stay off my lawn and turn down the blasted music. I will be the crazy lady with the blue hair and glasses thicker than coke bottles. I will wear those pants that make that noise when you walk, just because the neon colors they come in happen to match my hair color.

Lee gets to be lazy. And sleep in a lot. Days he doesn't get to sleep in, he gets to come back home and nap. NAP! Then when he finally passes out on the couch, I get to take pictures of his funny sleeping face. Like this:

Hurr, hurr.

So I'm honestly considering backing down some hours at work once Lee graduates and can support us a bit. I would love to have time to breathe and not have to stop writing something (like this blog) and pick it back up hours later when I have a second to myself.
The good thing about my schedule at work is that it allows me to have enough time for the gym in the morning and my school work at night and on weekends. But this weekend I have a four day weekend! I am going to finish all of my homework and tests tonight, Saturday morning go to the gym, then have two days of uninterrupted laziness. Oooooooooh, aaaaaaah. It will consist of making blankets and hanging out with my favorite pharmacist, Samantha, and her beautiful babies! Exciiiiiited me!

I hope everyone has a safe and fun Labor Day and will also have fun watching lots of football and getting beer bellies. Just don't forget to enjoy it with family and friends and take lots of pictures. Memories are relived through photos, take a ton, remember them all. <3