Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fold laundry - Acquire goods

I came home from the gym this morning to this:

Yes. Mylie was folding laundry. At 6:30 AM. I just stood there trying to make sense of what was happening in front of me, and Mylie looks at me and says, "I put your panties in your room!" What did she get for folding laundry at the butt-crack of dawn? Doughnuts. She was so excited, but I assume that she will be up every morning to look in the dryer so she can fold laundry and get some doughnuts out of it. She is getting so big, it kills me.

Leila has been awesome in school for an entire week! She talks a lot. A lot is an understatement, but it will do. On Leila's first day of school I met the teacher and explained to her how much Leila talks and how to keep her busy, did the teacher take my advice? No. My advice to the teacher was brilliant if I do say so myself. I asked her to just give Leila a "difficult" (think 4.5 reading level) book and have her read it to herself, it will keep her preoccupied while the teacher helps other students. They brought all the children to the library (Leila calls it the lie-berry) so they could pick out books, and the librarian makes Leila get a book with an A.R. score of 3.0. Leila's A.R. score is over that level. Make sense of that for me, will you? Are they going to dumb down my child that uses books to quiet her mouth and occupy her mind? Now Leila is assuming her librarian thinks she is "too stupid to read higher level books". One size does not fit all for teaching, teachers!!

Lee and I are officially back in school full-swing and are not stressed out yet! *Applause* Thank you, thank you... we will see how this is going in a week. Considering my accounting class is a mini-mester, I may be a little bit frantic in about two weeks.
Does anyone have any tips to tackle 5 courses with grace? Let me know.
I think I may have a handle on what I want to do when I "grow up". My big girl job will remain in the medical field, but I am currently considering becoming an LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) and enrolling at JSU for their STEPS program to become an RN (Registered Nurse). This requires an additional 3 years in school on top of what I have to finish at Snead. I am supposed to be graduating from Snead next summer (YAAAAAAAY!), and hope to be enrolled at Gadsden for next falls line up for LPN classes. Keep your fingers crossed!

Lee still hasn't figured out what he wants to do after college. I may be an RN before he even figures this out and he has been in college for a long time now. He started back in 2005 and has been dragging his feet ever since. His feet have turned to nubs. He has honestly dragged them so far that he has no lower phalanges. Someone think of something brilliant to make him perk up and get pumped enough to finish school!

I will end this on a small note: Don't forget to go to your local Walgreens and get your flu shot! I takes your body approximately 3 weeks for the vaccine to start to take effect. I know it sounds real early to get your flu shot, but it isn't! Before you say it, the answer is no. You cannot get the flu from the flu shot. You can get a MILD fever and upset stomach, and soreness at the injection site is expected, but you will survive. Those symptoms only last a few hours and then you're good. I think it's a good trade off to not get the flu! If you have any questions, post 'em up! If I can't answer it, I will get a pharmacist who can. :)


  1. Are you sure it would take you 3 years to go for RN?? Maybe it's 3 years if you do LPN first? I'm not sure! But I know the program at Wallace is only 2 years for RN.

    And we have to get flu shots for school. Does insurance cover flu shots at Walgreens?


  2. I am going the long route. I may just stop at LPN for a while, I definitely need to wait until Lee is done in school and gets a job to support us.

    It depends on the insurance, but Walgreens does take insurance to pay towards flu shots if your insurance pays for it in a retail setting.
