Friday, August 26, 2011

Introductions are in order I assume...

We have finally decided to start a blog! Not as exciting for you as it is for me, I understand, but I figured it was about time to show my very scattered family just what we have been up to.
Let's start off with a simple roll call:
First up we have Lee and I. Me and Lee. The sugar to my kool-aid. The love of my life. We are most affectionately known as, Lee and Jessi.
We have been together through thick and thin since 2005 and decided to tie the knot in 2009. 
Next up is Leila, one of my beautiful princesses! She is full of spunk and lots of attitude. That last part needs to have more effect behind it. LOTS. OF. ATTITUDE. She is 7 going on 16, has a lot to say and will tell anyone willing (or maybe not so willing) to listen. We're working on that. *cough* losing battle *cough*
(She was 2 in this pic!)
(5 in this picture)
(6 Years Old)
(Almost 7 here)
(Almost 7!)
She is in second grade and is currently reading at a 4th to 5th grade reading level. So smart it hurts. Another obstacle is she hates school. Not so much school as it is the people. Judgmental people (including teachers) who don't take the time to know the student, but just sum them up in a matter of seconds. She is a great kid with a big personality and one day she is going to be an awesome performer. The singing/dancing type. 

And last, but definitely not least, Mylie. My other princess who happens to love dinosaurs. I honestly mean love. She knows all sorts about dinosaurs, it's impressive really. She knows names, stats, carnivorous/herbivores, land or sea, flying to grounded. But she tells it in her own way. Also known as: Mylieneise. 
(One week old)
(Little over one year old)
(Two years old)
(Three Years Old)
(Almost Four)
Mylie has what is called apraxia of speech. She knows what she wants to say, but her brain and mouth get mixed up in translation and it comes out as a jumble. Mylie has been going to speech therapy in two different locations for a little over a year now and she has made remarkable improvements in her day to day words. She will be tested by Brookwood Medical in Birmingham soon for autism, we are just waiting for an appointment. Waiting, waiting, waiting...
Autism is a pretty big deal. Showing up at the most unexpected times in the most unsuspecting children. Children that don't have a choice, children that don't get to choose the severity of their condition. Autism has many different hats for many different people, I just hope one day we can get a better handle on it. 

Crud. It's late, I have homework, Mylie is still awake, I'm half asleep. Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! More to come tomorrow, I'm sure!

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